Robot Taekwon V: Paper Toy


The paper was invented in AD 105 to develop people’s lives, and human history has been enriched with the development of paper.
In the early days, when paper was worthy of functions such as recording and knowledge transfer, paper toys are now being developed in a variety of three-dimensional forms instead of simple origami.

“PAPER SAPIENS”, developed by Pecotoy in 2015, is a coined word from Homo sapiens and contains the will of a paper toy that continues to evolve with humans.

In particular, this newly released motion paper toy robot Taekwon V can make a toy as a paper by making a robot toy Taekwon V, a legend of Korean robot history that has been loved for a long time, by transforming it into a paper toy.

3DCrafts is hand in hand with Peko Toys and ready to be seen in more than three dimensions. Instead of simply displaying pictures on the online exhibition sales screen, you can zoom in and out of the 3D model. In addition to social network services such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can also watch and listen directly to Facebook Messenger, Withet, Kakao Talk, and Cacao Stories in 3D.

Once displayed in 3D, it can be displayed as a virtual reality (VR) or as augmented reality like PocketMon Go on a QR code.

It’s because it’s a 3DCrafts solution.

Project Details


September 2nd, 2017



Client : PECOTOY Inc.




  1. 3D Modeling
  2. Post Processing
  3. 3D Exhibition at web&mobile


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