광케이블 용융기기 전문 기업 fiberfox
광케이블 용융기기 전문 기업 (주)파이버폭스 전용 전시관
Fiberfox Inc. was established in 2013 in Dae Jeon, Korea.
Back in 2011, our first flagship fusion splicer Mini 6S development was initiated by the engineers with at least 10 years of field experience,
in cooperation with the researchers in Daeduk R&D complex run by Korean Government and the development completed by 2012, June.
The company itself is a new one, but the staffs and employees from many countries have abundant experience in R&D, QA, and Sales.
This makes us so proud of our technologies and products and understands the needs of the customer.
Homesite: http://www.fiberfox.co.kr/
□ 인공지능 기술을 활용한 3D 온라인 기술홍보관에서 기업은 시간과 장소 제약 없이 비대면으로 전시부스를 방문할 수 있으며, 기술 관련 자료도 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.
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